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The ability to be independent is something that not everyone possesses. You need to be independent in order to survive in life. Being independent is a vital skill for people who want to take more control of their lives and feel like they don’t need the opinion of others to accomplish their goals. Learning how to support yourself is fundamental for any success you ever hope to achieve. Is exceedingly important to be to able to handle things on your own. It is extremely empowering knowing that you are in control of your own life and your own choices. It is much more beneficial to listen to the voice inside yourself rather than the voice and the opinion of others. Being more independent will give you the freedom to do what you want without caring what others think about you. In this article, you will learn few steps on how to be independent.

Self – acceptance has the ability to build a strong independent you. Additionally, self – acceptance is the ability to value your body, your personality, your preferences, and your opinions, your voices, and life story. It is important that you focus from judgment and blame. Put behind you your mistakes, realize your strengths, and change conceptualizations about yourself. This is an important part of being independent because accepting who you are will keep you from trying to act like someone else. 

It is very well – known fact that if anyone wants to succeed in life, they must believe in themselves. Believing in yourself will make you trust your own decisions – even if they completely go against someone else, and societies expectations. If you don’t have faith in yourself, you will always second guess yourself, or turn to others for help every time you have to make a decision. Accept yourself now as you exist, and truly desire for a change and advancement will naturally emerge within you. “Believe in yourself, and the rest will fall into place. Have faith in your own abilities, work smart and there’s nothing you cannot accomplish.” – BRAD HENRY. You have to believe in yourself and in your abilities because your inner faith will create your external results.

Many men and women are in habit of saying that “Life is not fair.” It never is. Life is unpredictable more than it seems. Human beings cannot stop life unfolding the way if does. Yet, depending on your approach, life can be spent miserable or happily. Even rich people aren’t always happy. One of the keys to coping with the unpredictability and seeming unfairness of life is acceptance _ _ _ accepting that this is the way things are that you need to work around it and faith pathways that allow you to thrive better. If you still can’t seem to understand or accept, explore the suggestions here for how to accept life the way it is.
Independent people are not vain, nor do they believe the entire human race is cruel. Independent people are those who see the world, with its good and its bad, and consciously choose to be strong for themselves and others. You are not independent because you do not trust anyone. You are not independent because you think highly of yourself. Learn how to accept the world, and decide to be strong.

Self – motivation is what pushes us to achieve our goals, feel more fulfilled and improve overall quality of life. Being self – motivated means, being ready for driven, focused discussion and behavior. It also means being sharp and smart enough not to be manipulated and to be open to positive learning. Motivation and success is a function of habit. You must break your bad habit of procrastination, and replace it with one of good planning.

If you want to achieve a career goal, it should be to please yourself, not to please your family. Don’t be motivated to lose weight, publish a book, or build a house just to impress others. Do it because you want to drive yourself to succeed.

Every day from the moment we wake up, we live our lives bothering what other people think of us. Believe it or not, we’re not that special. We go through our days thinking about how other people might be judging us. But the truth is – those people are thinking the same thing. Try not to assume others are watching and judging your every step, and avoid putting too much shock in their opinions. Form your opinions based on facts and evidence. Make decisions based on your values instead of compromising your beliefs based on what others think. If you depend on others to tell you if your outfit is cute, you won’t be very happy! As long as you like it – nothing else matters! Stop worrying about other people’s judgments about your life, whether they are thinking about the clothes you put on, your choice of career, or your choice of significant other. These are your decisions, and not anyone else. 

Being your own hero is about rising to the occasion and being the best you can be. Striving toward being a hero in your own life means living with purpose and conviction, helping others, and being a leader. Becoming your personal hero with taking charge of your life. A hero has the determination and bravery to make change happen and to drive to success. Hero’s are not quitters. Every hero meets and overcomes challenges – its what makes them heroes! Tackle challenges as opportunities to push your – self beyond what you think you can do. Recognize that your biggest barrier to success may be your lack of confidence in yourself. Draw on your hero mentality to help you be brave. Remember that hero is defined by his or her actions. As your own hero, do the right thing, over and over again. Live your life according to your own personal standards of excellence and code of ethics. Avoiding idolizing any friends or acquaintance in your social circle. This will only make you even more likely to forget about doing your own thing. Aim to be yourself, and be the best you can be. If you can’t look up to yourself  you can’t be independent. 

Everyone wants to live a more positive life, but there are always negative influences that are trying to stop you. They might come from the outside or from within you. Wherever they might come from, there are hundred of things that put dents in your motivation, self – confidence and happiness. It could be a friend or family member who seems only to criticize you, or it could be a nasty habit that you can’t shake off. 
1.    Don’t break friendships unless absolutely necessary. Learn to keep a healthy distance. Even if those friends are “totally cool,” they may only hold you back from breaking out some on your own. “Weed out your garden”; some people will make you shine, while others will stunt your growth and draw all your energy. If you have a friend who is trying to make you do things that make you uncomfortable, whether it’s stealing or just being a meaner person, then it’s time to cut the cord. 
2.    Avoid any friends who really like building a group of friends, and want people to worship them. These people will want you to only do what they say and will keep you from being independent. 
3.    Negative thoughts patterns are a thing that can hold you back when you can’t help but assume the worst all the time. But you don’t want these bad influences to rule your life. If you want to stop them from controlling you, you need to cut them out. 

Thank amazing people who have helped you. Gratitude is such an important part of appreciation. Telling people how grateful you are for the role they played in success is very important. You don’t have to be stubborn to be independent. If someone has really helped you out, then thanks that person by giving him or her a sincere “thank you.” There’s nothing wrong in admitting that you do need help sometimes and it won’t make you any less independent to acknowledge the times when you need help. 

The term “Worldview” is used to describe a core set of values and principles through which the world is understood. A worldview is a complication of an individuals perceptions of the world, essentially the way a person understands reality. A person’s worldview is very important, as it impacts virtually every decision in life. Making an effort to friends with a variety of people who all have different perspectives and occupation can give you more of a sense of what’s out there and to see that there’s no one way to do it right. This can make you more open – minded and more willing to do something completely new on your own. 

Making a career decision can be pretty difficult. There is so much to choose from,  and not enough time to try everything. Make experiment with different careers and find the one that you enjoy most. If you like kids, be a teacher. If you like talking to people, be a salesperson or go into the services industry. If knowing how things work, try psychology and sociology. The majority of graduate in Nigeria end up in careers unrelated to their professions. Working in a careers that you enjoy is a part of becoming a mature person. 

Man will only be great when he acts from his passion. “Passion” comes from authenticity, feeling like you’re honoring yourself in your decisions rather than trying to be or satisfy someone else. This is highly personal, and no one else can tell you what feels “authentic” to you; only you can decide that. Finding a passion will make your life feel more meaningful and will make you feel more like you know what you really want out of life. 

Doing things alone means being a solo – adventurer. If you’re truly independent, then you won’t need buddy to accomplish every little task or to do any fun activity. If you look and feel like you’re really comfortable doing things alone, then no one will think twice to help you.  Understand you’re good enough all by yourself. You’re a valuable person, and you don’t need the approval of anyone else for that to be true. 


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